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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday: Check in Day

Okay, so every Saturday is my "Check in Day", where I weigh myself and take some measurements.
I always weigh myself first thing in the morning, after a visit to the loo and before I eat anything.

Any way, today's statistics are.....
Weight: 100.7kg
Bust: 113cm
Waist: 99cm
Hips: 129cm
Thigh: 78cm

Here is a table showing my progress since I started:

As you can see, last week I had a bit of a weight gain, but I am pretty sure that was hormone related, as I hadn't exceeded calorie intakes or missed any exercise, and it was that time of the month, if you know what I mean, haha!.

I am really happy with my progress so far, looking at this data, I should definitely be able to reach 100 kg by the 4th of December.^_^

As for my other goals, exercising, drinking water, eating my fruit and vege and reducing my fat intake, well...
  • I exercised all 6 days this week, yay!
  • My water intake needs improvement, I only managed to meet or exceed the 6 glasses 4 days this week.
  • I only ate 2 pieces of fruit twice this week.
  • Vege, well I love my vegies, I got that right 5 times.
  • Fat intake below 25% of over all calories, only hit the make thrice.

So, there are still a few things I need to work on.
I need to make sure I'm drinking more water, eating some fruit and a few more vegies and I need to really think about the amount of fat in my diet.

But, over all I'm very happy with how I am going.