My recent weight gain is getting to me. I have been trying really hard to keep up this change in my life-style. I buy healthy foods, I watch my portions and I stick to my exercise routine.
But the moment I am in a situation where I don’t have control over the types of foods I eat (like when I was on holiday with my family, or last week when I was at a catered training conference for work) I sabotage my hard work by over indulging in high calorie foods, not because I am genuinely hungry, but just because they are there.
I know that I shouldn’t deny myself “fun” foods, but I need to make sure I am not over indulging. At the moment I don’t seem to be able to do that. I can’t stop at just one chocolate biscuit, or one piece of cake. I have to eat more, just because it is there.
I need to do something to change this behaviour, but I am not sure how to go about it.
I have those moments as well! There are 2 things I have learnt from it 1. Don't be too hard on yourself when you do and 2. do something to counter act it like exercise a little extra or eat less calories for your next meal. The extra exercise made me rethink my eating habits alot!